さらに、ニューヨーク州立大学 ピーター・カプラリエロ准教授によると、この体験を一人ではなく他の人と共有することで幸福感が高いそうです。カナダのサイモンフレーザー大学のラーラアクニン准教授は、幼児でもお菓子をもらうよりも、人にあげるほうが幸福感が高まるという研究結果を発表しています。
※スタンフォード式 生き抜く力 星 友啓著より引用
寿晃整骨院 総院長 木下広志
[English version]
What kind of self can be considered “happy”? It seems there are several conditions, such as “having money” or “having a purpose in life”. There is a part of the brain called the reward system, and when that part is stimulated, we feel comfortable and try to seek that stimulation again. Drugs stimulate this part of the brain and create a strong dependency. It is important to note that tobacco and alcohol also have a dependency. The stimulation of the reward system of the brain by drugs increases the amount of drugs because it is artificial and makes us seek even stronger comfort, which in turn destroys our lives.
In the same way, satisfaction from objects also stimulates the brain’s reward system. Men are collectors, and when they get something they want, such as an antique or a Yu-Gi-Oh! card, their reward system gets excited. However, this is only temporary and soon the excitement dies down and they want the next one. In fact, the same thing happens with money. When you achieve a target amount of money, you want more money than you can afford.
Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel Prize winner in economics, found that once you reach $70,000 in income, you can earn more, but you won’t get the same level of satisfaction as your income. This is a phenomenon that happens all over the world, he said.
…(I’m sorry. This is a Japanese web site)
So how can we achieve a sense of well-being? A study by Leif Van Boven of the University of Colorado shows that spending money on “experiences” is a greater and longer-lasting source of happiness than buying things.
…(Also, this is a Japanese web site, too.)
Furthermore, according to Peter Caprariello, associate professor at the State University of New York, sharing this experience with others rather than just one person has a higher sense of well-being. Lara Akunin, associate professor at Simon Fraser University in Canada, has published a study showing that even young children feel happier when they give candy to others than when they receive it.
…(Also, this is a Japanese web site, too.)
Associate Professor Lara Akunin conducted an experiment with Starbucks, handing out $5 Starbucks cards to subjects and designating four different ways to use them to each group.
(1) Going to Starbucks alone to buy your own stuff.
(2) Go to Starbucks with someone else and buy your own.
(3) Give a card to someone else and don’t bring yourself along.
(4) Go to Starbucks with someone else and buy them a some drink.
The group that felt the happiest in this group was group (4). In other words, the research shows that the people who feel the strongest sense of happiness are the ones who make others happy and feel a strong sense of happiness too.
(※ I used DeepL Translate. That is a great web site.)